Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's time for the annual Tulip Festival in my city, Ottawa. Here I am walking by the flowers beds at the Garden of the Provinces and Territories. Red tulips are my favorite so far! They look so nice in the background with me and my nice white coat in their midst.

 These red and white ones reminded me of candy canes. Yum! I tasted one and it wasn't sweet, but it wasn't too bad...so I nibble on another, but got caught so had to quit eating the festival flowers.

Here is a lovely bed of yellow blooms right beside the red ones. I have to have a sniff!

These pale yellow tulips smell a little bit like sugar cookies, or is it my Eskie-poo imagination? Maybe I can give one a little lick, and find out for myself.
Eating the tulips? Not me. I was licking...licking. It was just a little lick. Not a nibble. That petal fell off the stalk into my mouth...honest.
I look at all the visitors enjoying the colours and varieties of tulips. This year we celebrate the 60th Canadian Tulip Festival. It is now the largest tulip festival in the world. And the most fun for an Eskie-poo even if you aren't supposed to eat the exhibits. Let's all celebrate the tulip as a symbol of international friendship.
My friends, the squirrels run through the flower beds when there aren't too many people around. They are quite healthy and well-fed because there are a lot of small fruit trees, berries and nuts around in the park. I tasted some of the wild plums last fall, and I can't wait to try more this year. "Khrrrrrriiiitttt" I like the way the squirrels chatter at me when I run under their favorite trees. I  keep my eye on them when I play.
You can keep an eye on me at play, and come back to visit my blog. Did you enjoy these tulip festival picture? I do lots of fun things, and put pictures and stories in my blog. You can join me in my adventures and be my friend.
                       Bye for now,  
           Elsie Mokete

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